Lido Key Terrazzo Restoration

This is a Lido Key terrazzo restoration we just finished near Saint Armand Sarasota. This floor has green glass, DMC Bot marbles and Georgia white marble chips. The binder is Portland cement. Though it is not hard marble chips we can still get a good shine using only...

Terrazzo Ghosting

This floor is another Georgia white terrazzo floor. Though this Mabel is not the hardest rock, we still get it to look great without chemicals or coatings. Our floors are 100% mechanical diamond polished. That makes them the longest lasting floors. This floor is in...

Terrazzo Chip Hole Repair 833-TERRAZZO 833-837-7299 Terrazzo chip hole repair is one of the most technical specialties we preform. These chip holes were around the size of a half dollar to a silver dollar. They’re caused by pulling nails. The holes here marked with blue tape....

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