Terrazzo Restoration Winter Haven

Winter Haven is located in east Polk county. Long time home to Cypress garden, Winter Haven saw massive growth during the terrazzo floor installation age of Florida. Most of Florida terrazzo floors were installed between 1955 and 1972. During this period, most central and south Florida homes had terrazzo flooring installed. Central air was not installed; in order to keep homes cool, builders used sliding glass doors and ceiling fans and installed terrazzo flooring. Most of these floors were covered for decades. Home owners tired of stripping and refinishing the terrazzo, and decided to cover their floors with more conventional floor covering. Fortunately, today, with new diamond polishing techniques, these floors can be restored to a beautiful, long lasting shine. At Safe Dry Terrazzo Restoration we use mechanical diamond polishing techniques. This gives the home owner a floor with no topical coating. Thus, the floor will never need stripped. While topical coatings bend and distort the reflections, diamond polishing creates a true mirror-like reflection. Our diamond polished floors resemble highly polished marble, as Florida terrazzo mostly consists of marble. Safe Dry Terrazzo Restoration has produced the finest looking diamond polished terrazzo floors in the Winter Haven area. Give us a call today, or email us at [email protected] for a free phone consultation or a free on-site estimate.

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