Terrazzo Restoration Blog
Residential & Commercial Terrazzo Flooring RestorationThis site is designed to answer all of your questions about your terrazzo flooring. If you have a question and cannot find the answer here please contact us and we will try to answer it as quickly as we can.
Terrazzo Restoration Blog
We talk to people every day about their terrazzo floors. Over the years we have come to understand many of their concerns. Many terrazzo floors that can be restored are turned down by companies because they lack the experience and knowledge to find and fix the problems. Conversely, some floors are taken on by companies that get in over their heads or do not understand the problems they are faced with. At SafeDry, we do all the work ourselves. We never hire subcontractors to work on any of our customers floors and we never subcontract any work out. We hope this page and many others on this site can give you the knowledge to understand what can and cannot be done. If you like what you see please “like” us on Facebook.
How do I know if I have a terrazzo floor?
Many new home owners look under the carpet hoping for wood. That is unlikely in Florida, but some are shocked to see terrazzo. I hear these stories every day. Terrazzo floors were installed during original construction in banks, schools, government buildings, airports and many homes in Florida built between 1950 and the early 1970s. You can recognize it by the stone chips in the floor. In Florida it can usually be seen in the door step of the front door. It might be painted, or tiled, so it could be hidden. Terrazzo is the hot floor now. Everyone is starting to understand that terrazzo is the greenest, easiest floor to keep up and can last for centuries. No tile, carpet or vinyl can make the same claim. Florida’s old terrazzo is mostly made from Portland cement and marble chips. These floors may be stained, have hundreds of chip holes from old carpet tack strip or still be covered with tile and these floors can look better today than they looked sixty years ago. Today we can fill those chip holes, remove old stains that have been in the floors for years and tear out almost any covering to get to the floor. What is left after, after we restore you terrazzo floor, is a beautiful, continuous, long lasting shine.

Pad Damage and Stain Removal
Many homeowners want to know about the terrazzo restoration process and whether their terrazzo floor can be restored, especially if they need terrazzo pad damage and stain removal.
Preparing to Have your Terrazzo Restored
If you have scheduled your terrazzo floor restoration it helps to understand how terrazzo restoration preparation to ensure your floor is ready. Here are a few things that should be done before the terrazzo restoration company arrives.
Chip, Hole, and Crack Repair
Many homeowners have asked me if chips and cracks in terrazzo flooring can be repaired. The answer is yes. We can repair chips and crack to look great.
Proper Terrazzo Care
After a terrazzo floor is polished it will need proper terrazzo care. Terrazzo floors should be cleaned with a neutral cleaner.
Terrazzo Restoration and Polishing
At Safe Dry Terrazzo Restoration we use four hundred pound planetary grinders with dry diamonds to get the best shine possible.
Dispelling Some Terrazzo Restoration Myths
There are a lot of misconceptions associated with terrazzo restoration. This blog is an attempt at dispelling some terrazzo restoration myths.
Terrazzo Floors: The Heart of Florida’s Mid Century Modern Homes
Florida’s mid-century modern homes have many things in common. From the matching, toilet, sink, bathtub and tile, bathroom color schemes to the sliding glass doors and almost all had terrazzo floors.
Antique Terrazzo Flooring is Making a Big Comeback Across Florida
Terrazzo Flooring is being restored all across Florida & people are tearing up floor coverings & restoring their antique terrazzo. If your house is here in 100 years, then your floor will still be here too. It can still look as good then as it can look today.