Terrazzo Restoration Melbourne
This Terrazzo Restoration Melbourne page is intended to show the people of Melbourne Florida how SafeDry Terrazzo Restoration restores terrazzo flooring. It also shows what sets us apart from other terrazzo restoration companies. SafeDry restores terrazzo using a four hundred pound planetary grinder. Our system uses an all dry diamond polishing technique that gets the shiniest floors in our industry. Imagine no water and messy slurry. This system as been developed to achieve the shiniest, least slippery, best looking floors possible. We also use two crews, at almost every job, so we get the job done faster too. If you look over the pictures on this site you will see some that have water on them. These floors were done before we went completely dry. The sealers we use are penetrating and not topical. The shine you see is the floor, not a shiny coating.
We waited until a system was in place that gave us the best shine, without water, to make the switch to dry. SafeDry Terrazzo Restoration will always test and update our system to insure the best looking terrazzo floor possible. We know there are a lot of beautiful terrazzo floors in Melbourne. If you want us to show you how great we can make you terrazzo floor look please give us a call, or send us an email to [email protected]. Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you.
By Joe Martin SafeDry Terrazzo Restoration President. .